ITET 2022

2022 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Education Technology (ITET 2022)

Virtual Conference丨 May 13-15, 2022


2022 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Education Technology (ITET 2022), is planned in Tokyo, Japan during May 13-15, 2022. After serious consideration, the committee has made the difficult decision to have it as an fully virtual mode. We were looking forward to seeing everyone in person, but we are excited for the opportunity to innovate by creating an engaging virtual conference that will be rewarding for both presenters and attendees.

We would like to express our gratitude to the distinguished keynote speakers: Prof. Makoto Iwasaki (Japan), Prof. Yongsheng Ma (China), Prof. Wilson Q. Wang (Canada), Prof. LAW, Nancy W Y. (Hong Kong, .China), plenary speaker : Assoc. Prof. Cheng Siong Chin (Singapore) and other distinguished scholars for sharing their deep insights on future challenges and trends in the conferences.